Inverter Air Conditioning

MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White

SKU # IT66543
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 1
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 2
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 3
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 4
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 5
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 1
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 2
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 3
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 4
  • MIDEA AG2Eco-24NXD0-I Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner 24000BTU, White | Midea| Image 5
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Product Description

The MSAGDU-24HRFN8 Xtreme air conditioner by Midea was made to make you love the climate of your home.By having the most advanced cooling / heating technology, as well as the highest design specifications, you are guaranteed to offer you clean air in winter / summer.


Cooling energy class       A ++

SEER (seasonal cooling efficiency)       6.4 W / W

EER (cooling efficiency factor)       2.91 W / W


MIDEA MSAGDU-24HRFN8 Xtreme Wall Mounted Air-Conditioner, 24000BTU

What you must know!

The MSAGDU-24HRFN8 Xtreme air conditioner by Midea was made to make you love the climate of your home.
By having the most advanced cooling / heating technology, as well as the highest design specifications, you are guaranteed to offer you clean air in winter / summer.


Operation Type




Cooling Energy Class


Energy class in the warmest season


Space Coverage

32-47 m²

follow-me-1583-1405329877.jpg (1)

Follow Me

When this function is activated on the remote control, the control unit of the indoor unit will receive data about the temperature in the room from the temperature sensor installed on the remote control, which allows you to more accurately control the operation of the air conditioner, reaching the setting mode in the area where the remote control is located in the room.

Sterilization 56°C

Unlike the normal self-clean mode, in the 56°C sterilization mode the heat exchanger is heated to 56°C for 30 minutes, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria after just two cycles of use.


Super Ionizer

The Super Ionizer eliminates odors, dust, smoke and pollen particles, releasing anions and cations, offering fresh and healthy air.

Prime Guard Wing Protection

PrimeGuard protection for the indoor heat exchanger offers greater resistance to oxidation and corrosion than ordinary indoor unit exchangers for more stable and long-lasting performance. It can also effectively prevent the breeding of bacteria in the indoor unit.


Breeze Away function

The Breeze Away function reduces annoying cold air currents so you can enjoy the temperature you want without unwanted interference.

Product Specifications

Cooling Efficiency

Cooling energy class A ++
SEER (seasonal cooling efficiency) 6.4 W / W
EER (cooling efficiency factor) 2.91 W / W

Heating Efficiency

Energy class in heating A +++
SCOP (seasonal degree of heating efficiency) of warmer seasons 5.1
SCOP(seasonal efficiency in heating) 4.0
COP (heating efficiency coefficient) 3.44 W / W

General Specifications

Coolant R32
Super Lonizer releases many positive and negative ions to remove odors, dust, tobacco smoke and pollen
Smart Sleep Curve
Prime Guard
Breeze Away
Weekly Timer
Flash Cooling For quick relief from the heat
Eco mode This economy mode integrates a new innovative ECO energy saving technology
3D Air flow Тhе lоuvеrѕ оf thе іndооr unіt оf thе аіr соndіtіоnеr mоvе аutоmаtісаllу іn аll dіrесtіоnѕ, еnѕurіng еvеn dіѕtrіbutіоn оf thе аіr-соndіtіоnеd аіr іn аll соrnеrѕ оf thе rооm
Smart Diagnosis
Follow Me function Тhе rеmоtе соntrоl hаѕ а buіlt-іn tеmреrаturе ѕеnѕоr thаt аutоmаtісаllу rеgulаtеѕ thе ореrаtіng tеmреrаturе dереndіng оn thе mеаѕurеd tеmреrаturе іn thе аrеа іn whісh іt іѕ lосаtеd
ThermoStatic FrequencyControl technology
Healthy Filters
Diamond Cabinet The outdoor unit panels are made with a diamond design, which makes the construction stronger and resistant to vibrations
8℃ Heating Іn 8°С hеаtіng mоdе, thіѕ соnѕtаnt tеmреrаturе іѕ mаіntаіnеd, thuѕ рrоtесtіng thе hоmе frоm ехсеѕѕіvе сооlіng іn wіntеr оr frееzіng оf ріреѕ аnd hоuѕерlаntѕ
Self-cleaning During the self-cleaning process, the indoor unit operates through a special mode for blowing and drying the moisture of the evaporator
WiFi Control Wi-Fi control allows easy control of the air conditioning system via smart devices, smartphone or tablet
Remote Control App
Flash Heating

Noise Levels

Indoor noise level (Hi / Mi / Lo / Si) 46/37/34.5/21 dB (A)
Outdoor unit sound pressure level 67 dBA



Dimensions & Weight

Indoor unit (HxWxD) 33.6 x 108.3 x 24.4 cm
Outdoor unit (HxWxD) 67.3 x 89.0 x 34.2 cm
Indoor Unit Weight 13.6 kg
Outdoor Unit Weight 43.9 kg